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    The Importance of Images on a Website

    Images are an essential component of every website’s content strategy. Above the fold, the finest photos serve as both eye delight and educational tools. They should be related directly to the page’s text and, preferably, be original images. As much as possible, avoid standard clichés.

    How Are Images Essential In Your Website Strategy?

    Websites with images get more views

    According to one research, online content containing photos receives nearly double the number of views as those without images.

     Images bring your product or service to life

    Perhaps you’ve heard the adage “it’s better to show than to tell.” Images on your website serve as storytellers, helping visitors to see your product or service – and themselves using it. Furthermore, studies have shown that the human brain can accurately recognize pictures in as little as 100 milliseconds, making well selected images that reflect your product and values a vital chance to immediately attract visitors’ attention – even before they’ve read a word of text. This similar impact can assist increase your company’s recall in the future. Aim for photographs that represent pleasant feelings and, if possible, include people, both of which have been proved to increase conversion rates.

    Images aid in your visibility in search engine results.

    The advantages of employing photos for SEO are numerous. By correctly labeling photographs with search-friendly metadata and captions, you provide more material for search engines to index. Your material will therefore appear in both online search results and image searches, providing you with twice the possibility for discovery. If you own original photography, you can try enabling local blogs and websites to use your images for free in exchange for a link back to your website. Inbound links, also known as backlinks, are another excellent strategy to improve your search ranking.

    Images can help you get clicked when you do appear in search results

    Websites featuring photos not only perform better in search rankings, but they also draw more attention when they appear on search results pages. As a result, websites with correctly categorized photographs receive more hits. To see this effect in action, search for “chocolate chip cookie recipe” on Google. Notice how web sites with photographs display a thumbnail picture next to the link? Consider what happens when a user searches for a local business like yours and only finds a few results with thumbnail photos. Which website do you believe they are most likely to visit?

    Images in search results assist local companies in particular; according to one survey, 60% of customers stated they were more willing to consider or approach a business if their search outcome listing featured a picture.

    Website images fuel social media

    Once it concerns spreading information about a local company on social media, great photographs may help a lot. According to studies, having at least one image on a page is related with increased Facebook shares, while other study has revealed that social media postings containing photos had greater engagement rates than text-only ones. Make it easy for users to share your material by incorporating links to quickly publish to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social media sites to get the most social boost from the website photos.

    Do you want to growth hack your website, product or services? Hire us! Send us an inquiry through or through our contact page.

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